Hier meine Sets der Unknown Pleasures im September:
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Strange Things Theme
John Carpenter - Assault on predict 13 Theme
White Ring - Ixc999
Dark Day - No, nothing, never
Nachtanales - Scan mich ein
Räderkraft - du bist meine Räderkraft
This Cold night - D.C.D.S
The Prostitutes - Sunshine
Pink Turns Blue - Something deep inside
Crystal Stilts - Shake the shackles
Sad Lovers & Giants - Lost in a moment
Silicon Scientist - Sinister street (early mix)
Mr. Kitty - Evaporating sun
Rorschach Garden State Protection
Ritual Howls - Scatter the scars
John Foxx - Underpass
I-F - Spaceinvaders
No More - Suicide Commando
Toktok vs. Soffy O.- Day of mine
The Prodigy - The Day is my enemy
Alien Sex Fiend - I Walk the line
Sisters of Mercy - Alice
Das Bierbeben - Dunkle Tage
New Days Delay - Bombe
Trust - Bulbform
Austria - Beat and the pulse
The Cure - a forest (live)
Drangsal - Allan Align
Lebanon Hanover - Totally tot
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - in high heels through nights of broken glass
The Creatures - Exterminating angel
She Wants Revenge - Tear you apart
Interpol - Evil
Frustration - she’s so tired
Boytronic - luna square
OMD - Electricity
Lene Lovich - Lucky number
Plastic Bertrand - ça plane pour moi
Wipers - window shop for love
Nash The Slash - Dance after curfew
Piefke und Parke - und es geht ab
Stereo - No more
IAMX - i came with knives
Mohn & Ilse - ich will
Casper - Lang lebe der Tod
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